A light of hope from the shadow, meet the new Pantone colors of 2021: 17-5104 Ultimate Gray & 13-0647 Illuminating
The 2021 starts with a big surprise, it is a very rare case when we get to see not one but two Pantone colors of the year. Please welcome: PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating.
The union of an enduring Ultimate Gray with the vibrant yellow Illuminating expresses a message of positivity supported by fortitude. Practical and rock solid but at the same time warming and optimistic, this is a color combination that gives us resilience and hope. We need to feel encouraged and uplifted; this is essential to the human spirit.
-- Leatrice Eiseman
It is the second time in 22 year history when Pantone have selected two colors. Both colors are considered independent but complimentary reflecting the strength and hopefulness.
One can tell that there is a deeper meaning in this color combination, the one we all need to remember, as Haruki Murakami said: "Where there is light, there must be shadow, and where there is shadow there must be light. There is no shadow without light and no light without shadow".
We think it is a great example when fashion gives us a way to express our feelings and gives a hope for the next day to overcome the uncertainty.
Here is a list of products containing Pantone colors: